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* Panel members: Prof. Wolfgang Maass, Prof. Simon Eickoff, Dr. Anna Kreshuk, Dr. Timo Dickscheid, Dr. Jenia Jitsev
* The program is given at http://www.fz-juelich.de/conferences/HBP-Juelich-Colloquium/EN/Programme/_node.html
### 18-09-14 Talk by Zeynep Ataka at 18-10-05 10:30am
More Details are coming soon
### 18-09-14 Talk by Zeynep Ataka
Short Bio: Dr. Zeynep Akata is an Assistant Professor with the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Scientific Manager of the Delta Lab and a Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Germany. She holds a BSc degree from Trakya University (2008), MSc degree from RWTH Aachen (2010) and a PhD degree from University of Grenoble (2014). After completing her PhD at the INRIA Rhone Alpes with Prof. Dr. Cordelia Schmid, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics with Prof. Dr. Bernt Schiele and a visiting researcher with Prof Trevor Darrell at UC Berkeley. Her research interests include **machine learning that combine vision and language for the task of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI)**.
* Title: **Explaining and Representing Novel Concepts With Minimal Supervision**
* When: **Fri. 05. Okt. 2018, 10:30 – 11:30**
* Where: JSC ‘Rotunde’ (Building 16.3, Room 301)
Short Bio: Dr. Zeynep Akata is an Assistant Professor with the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Scientific Manager of the Delta Lab and a Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Germany. She holds a BSc degree from Trakya University (2008), MSc degree from RWTH Aachen (2010) and a PhD degree from University of Grenoble (2014). After completing her PhD at the INRIA Rhone Alpes with Prof. Dr. Cordelia Schmid, she worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics with Prof. Dr. Bernt Schiele and a visiting researcher with Prof Trevor Darrell at UC Berkeley. Her research interests include machine learning that combine vision and language for the task of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI).
### 18-09-10 GO for HAICU (Helmholtz Artificial Coorperation Unit)
During the Helmholtz general assembly the HAICU concept was presented and successfully defended by Katrin Amunts (FZJ, INM-1) and Fabian Theis (HMGU). The concept has been approved and **HAICU will be implemented**. The location of the HAICU components will be tendered.
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