A campus-wide Journal Club covering topics of machine and deep learning. Everybody is cordially invited to join!
We discuss most recent papers from the field, e.g., recent network architectures and their applications. For each meeting we pick two papers, everybody reads them and prepares his/her questions and comments. In the Journal Club there will be a short intro to the papers followed by a joint discussion.
Each participant may propose papers to read next. The final selection is made through a vote.
When: **every 3rd Monday of the month, 10pm**
If you’re interested in more details about the Journal Club, please subscribe for the mailinglist at https://lists.fz-juelich.de/mailman/listinfo/julain_journal_club
## Monday 20 January 10-11:30am
Venue: INM-1 Seminar room, building 15.9, room 4001b
* Multi-Context Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series Applications
* Global Sparse Momentum SGD for Pruning Very Deep Neural Networks
## Monday 16 December 10-11am
Venue: JSC, Rotunda, building 16.4, room 301
Our first Journal Club will cover two papers from ICCV 2019 about GANs.
Please read
* SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model from a Single Natural Image (Best Paper Award) http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ICCV_2019/papers/Shaham_SinGAN_Learning_a_Generative_Model_From_a_Single_Natural_Image_ICCV_2019_paper.pdf
* COCO-GAN: Generation by Parts via Conditional Coordinating
full paper and supplementary material available at https://hubert0527.github.io/COCO-GAN/ |