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  • Sabine Schröder's avatar
    Squashed 'autoqc/' changes from fda9716..b891849 · 5e471020
    Sabine Schröder authored
    b891849 Added a new keyword argument to be able to choose what the return values are. Now either the flags, the QC-Score or both can be returned.
    19bdd1d Changed the workflow inside the class 'AutoQCWorkflow'. Now the original index of the time series will be unchanged in terms of order and time zone. The result will have the exact same index as the given time series. Moreover, all statistical tests will now return a NaN value for a single point in the time series if the time series has a NaN value there.
    97d8f5f Added a 'requirements.txt'
    git-subtree-dir: autoqc
    git-subtree-split: b891849692e21bbd684bfc50e17f93e807451ab6