diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 946f6e1296cfa1838803bc85becc23435173d131..85b954503d2c36c1918ec0e85a62bd2efab27de2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -42,8 +42,17 @@ tests/produce_data.ipynb
 Provides an example on how to download data, apply gridding and save the results as netCDF files.
 ## Retrieving data
 Downloads data from the TOAR database. 
+## Retrieving data
+Downloads data from the TOAR database with a manual creation of the request to the TOAR database.
 ## Retriving data and visualization
@@ -53,7 +62,7 @@ The data are downloaded and reused for subsequent executions of this notebook.
 # Supported Grids
-The first supported grid is the Cartesian grid.
+The first supported grid is a regular grid with longitude and latitude.
 # Supported Variables
diff --git a/tests/get_sample_data.ipynb b/tests/get_sample_data.ipynb
index d5913c651ad63f4a584b43bf03e3f8881a5fca9b..a5a16cf9139b1e955eadccb1790c771dcb191f5d 100644
--- a/tests/get_sample_data.ipynb
+++ b/tests/get_sample_data.ipynb
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
     "from toargridding.metadata import TimeSample, Metadata\n",
     "sampling = \"daily\"  # FIXME check monthly !!!\n",
-    "start = datetime(2016, 3, 1)\n",
-    "end = datetime(2016, 3, 3)\n",
+    "start = datetime(2010, 1, 1)\n",
+    "end = datetime(2011, 1, 1)\n",
     "statistics_endpoint = \"https://toar-data.fz-juelich.de/api/v2/analysis/statistics/\"\n",
     "statistic = \"mean\"\n",
@@ -31,12 +31,15 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
     "from pathlib import Path\n",
-    "\n",
     "from toargridding.toar_rest_client import AnalysisServiceDownload\n",
-    "toargridding_base_path = Path(\"/home/simon/Projects/toar/toargridding/\")\n",
-    "cache_dir = toargridding_base_path / \"tests\" / \"results\"\n",
-    "download_dir = toargridding_base_path / \"tests\" / \"data\"\n",
+    "\n",
+    "#creation of output directories\n",
+    "toargridding_base_path = Path(\".\")\n",
+    "cache_dir = toargridding_base_path / \"results\"\n",
+    "download_dir = toargridding_base_path / \"data\"\n",
+    "cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)\n",
+    "download_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)\n",
     "analysis_service = AnalysisServiceDownload(statistics_endpoint, cache_dir, download_dir)\n",
@@ -53,6 +56,9 @@
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
     "# %%script false --no-error\n",
+    "\n",
+    "# manual access to data\n",
+    "\n",
     "import requests\n",
     "end_with_padding = end + timedelta(1)\n",
@@ -82,7 +88,7 @@
    "metadata": {},
    "outputs": [],
    "source": [
-    "response.headers[\"Content-Type\"] == \"application/json\"\n"
+    "print(response.headers[\"Content-Type\"] == \"application/json\")\n"
@@ -93,11 +99,12 @@
    "source": [
     "import requests\n",
-    "status_endpoint = \"https://toar-data.fz-juelich.de/api/v2/analysis/status/5ec3a54c-322c-4bce-a3f5-fdf485a56514\"\n",
+    "#this hard coded link does not work.\n",
+    "#status_endpoint = \"https://toar-data.fz-juelich.de/api/v2/analysis/status/5ec3a54c-322c-4bce-a3f5-fdf485a56514\"\n",
-    "response = requests.get(status_endpoint)\n",
-    "print(response.headers)\n",
-    "print(response.json())"
+    "#response = requests.get(status_endpoint)\n",
+    "#print(response.headers)\n",
+    "#print(response.json())"
@@ -124,7 +131,7 @@
    "name": "python",
    "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
    "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
-   "version": "3.11.8"
+   "version": "3.11.5"
  "nbformat": 4,
diff --git a/tests/get_sample_data_old.ipynb b/tests/get_sample_data_manual.ipynb
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/get_sample_data_old.ipynb
rename to tests/get_sample_data_manual.ipynb
diff --git a/toargridding/gridding.py b/toargridding/gridding.py
index 3268dc267c8ca3fd1c00e0c33c59de529ad6c9e4..3b6ab3677e86bfe069884076d30a82aef8044c08 100644
--- a/toargridding/gridding.py
+++ b/toargridding/gridding.py
@@ -17,6 +17,28 @@ def get_gridded_toar_data(
     variables: list[str],
     stats: list[str],
 ) -> tuple[list[xr.Dataset], list[Metadata]]:
+    """ API to download data as xarrays
+    The function creates all combinations of the variable and stats list
+    Parameters:
+    ----------
+    analysis_service:
+        access to the REST API and manages download of data
+    grid:
+        grid for the output data.
+    time:
+        sampled values in time
+    variables:
+        list of variables to be extracted from the TOARdatabase
+    stats:
+        list of statistical properties to be extracted from the TOAR database
+    return:
+    -------
+        Gridded datasets for each combination of variables and stats and appropriate metadata for each dataset.
+    """
     metadatas = [
         Metadata.construct(var, stat, time) for var, stat in product(variables, stats)
@@ -27,4 +49,5 @@ def get_gridded_toar_data(
         ds = grid.as_xarray(data)
+    #TODO: return this as a list of tuples to keep data and metadata together?
     return datasets, metadatas
diff --git a/toargridding/grids.py b/toargridding/grids.py
index d8f894938d5aa89dd7ef9aeb422f14f0a03959a4..cb0f946a72b124c965872ee798086bc3072ea2e4 100644
--- a/toargridding/grids.py
+++ b/toargridding/grids.py
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ class GridDefinition(ABC):
     def construct(grid_type: GridType, **kwargs):
+        """creation of requested grid type
+        """
         match (grid_type):
             case GridType.regular:
                 return RegularGrid(**kwargs)
diff --git a/toargridding/metadata.py b/toargridding/metadata.py
index abf93492ec67156b4ad17e45f49e47a253bc0c70..d1d83d214aec1fc97cf029bb8c20fba0794c2107 100644
--- a/toargridding/metadata.py
+++ b/toargridding/metadata.py
@@ -74,14 +74,18 @@ class TimeSample:
         Calculates the duration in days relative to start time point.
+        #TODO: could this be an issue for monthly sampling?
         n_days = (self.end - self.start).days
         return np.arange(n_days + 1)
 class Metadata:
-    """MEtadata of a request. 
+    """Metadata of a request. 
+    Attributes:
+    ----------
         support variable of the TOAR data base
@@ -89,18 +93,44 @@ class Metadata:
         requested time points
     variable: TOARVariable
     statistic: str
     time: TimeSample
     def construct(standart_name: str, stat: str, time: TimeSample):
+        """constructor 
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        standart_name:
+            standard name according to CF
+        stat:
+            statistical analysis to be done by the TOAR database
+        time:
+            temporal sampling of this request
+        """
         variable = TOARVariable.get(standart_name)
-        if stat not in STATISTICS_LIST:
-            raise ValueError(f"invalid statistic: {stat}")
         return Metadata(variable, stat, time)
+    @property
+    def statistic(self) -> str: # TODO make better
+        """statistical property for being extracted from the TOAR database
+        This can for example be the mean, max, min, median. For a full list see toargridding.toarstat_constants.STATISTICS_LIST
+        """
+        return self._statistic
+    @statistic.setter
+    def statistics(self, stat : str):
+        if stat not in STATISTICS_LIST:
+            raise ValueError(f"invalid statistic: {stat}")
+        self._statistic = stat
     def get_id(self) -> str:
         """creation of a request specific ID
diff --git a/toargridding/static_metadata.py b/toargridding/static_metadata.py
index 66e3f28062be193d682a54dd8b3577c80280f1ae..51a34d155f44de69855668252e3119680fc6ee1e 100644
--- a/toargridding/static_metadata.py
+++ b/toargridding/static_metadata.py
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class TOARVariable:
     vars = None
-    """available TOAR variables."""
+    """available variables from the TOAR database."""
     name: str
     longname: str
diff --git a/toargridding/toar_rest_client.py b/toargridding/toar_rest_client.py
index a1f75ae5592ed3de1578409581170635edd3e5c4..5a956c18813dc1d887b9264d4d4c8e042f2ca3ef 100644
--- a/toargridding/toar_rest_client.py
+++ b/toargridding/toar_rest_client.py
@@ -20,7 +20,27 @@ COORDS = [STATION_LAT, STATION_LON]
 class QueryOptions:
     """Creation of a request to the TOAR database. 
+    Attributes:
+    ----------
+    datarange:
+        extraction of timestamps with start<=valid<end. Format: [start],[end] with start and end in isoformat
+    variable_id:
+        id of the variable within the TOAR database
+    statistics:
+        statistical quantity requested from the TOAR database. see toargridding.toarstats_constants.STATISTICS_LIST.
+    sampling:
+        frequency of sampling within the datarange, e.g. daily, monthly
+    min_data_capture:
+        most probably the minimum data to include in the request
+    metadata_schema:
+        amount of metadata being provided, see Quick Start for TOAR Analysis Service 
+    limit:
+        limit to amount of extracted data; see Quick Start for TOAR Analysis Service 
+    format:
+        output format; see Quick Start for TOAR Analysis Service 
     daterange: str
     variable_id: str
     statistics: str
@@ -34,6 +54,8 @@ class QueryOptions:
     def from_metadata(metadata: Metadata):
         """Creation from Metadata object 
+        Copies datarange, variable_id, statistics and sampling from the metadata object.
+        For the other parameters the default values are used.
         return QueryOptions(
@@ -50,7 +72,26 @@ class QueryOptions:
 class Cache:
+    """cache to store download links for requests to the TOAD database
+    The extraction of data and statistical processing by the TOAR database can take hours or even days, depending on the amount of requested data.
+    The cache is persistent to allow the access to data after turning of the computer.
+    It is created in a dict like way and supports operations like "in".
+    A textfile called status_endpoints.json is created in cache_dir. CAVE: The first entry is required for loading the empty file.
+    """
     def __init__(self, cache_dir : Path):
+        """constructor
+        Throws exception if cache directory does not exists.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        cache_dir:
+            directory for storing cache file.
+        """
         if not cache_dir.exists():
             raise RuntimeError(f"Given directory for saving cache file does not exists. Path: {cache_dir}")
         self.cache_file = cache_dir / "status_endpoints.json"
@@ -60,18 +101,26 @@ class Cache:
                 json.dump({"foo": "bar"}, cache)
     def __contains__(self, item: str):
+        """allows usage of "in"
+        """
         with self.storage_dict() as storage:
             return item in storage.keys()
     def get(self, key: str):
+        """get an endpoint from the cache.
+        """
         with self.storage_dict() as storage:
             return storage[key]
     def put(self, key: str, content: str):
+        """get add key and content as key-value-pair to  cache
+        """
         with self.storage_dict() as storage:
             storage[key] = content
     def remove(self, key: str):
+        """remove a key and content as key-value-pair to  cache
+        """
         with self.storage_dict() as storage:
             del storage[key]
@@ -88,12 +137,33 @@ class Cache:
 class Connection:
     def __init__(self, endpoint, cache_dir):
+        """connection to the rest API of the TOAR database
+        This class handles the creation of requests and the interaction with the TOAR database.
+        It relies on the "TOARDB Analysis FastAPI REST interface"
+        https://toar-data.fz-juelich.de/api/v2/analysis/
+        with the default endpoint: https://toar-data.fz-juelich.de/api/v2/analysis/statistics
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        endpoint:
+            link to the TOAR database analysis service
+        cache_dir:
+            directory to store cache file
+        """
         self.endpoint = endpoint
         self.cache = Cache(cache_dir)
         # max wait time is 30min
         self.wait_seconds = [minutes * 60 for minutes in (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5)]
     def get(self, query_options):
+        """get results for a request.
+        This is the main function to obtaind data from the TOAR DB. It will start requests or lookup if an already started requests is finished.
+        Throws an exception, if the results are not available after the waiting time. A restart of the function continues the regular lookup for results.
+        """
         status_endpoint = self.get_status_endpoint(query_options)
         for i, wait_time in enumerate(self.wait_seconds):
@@ -107,6 +177,17 @@ class Connection:
     def get_status_endpoint(self, query_options: QueryOptions):
+        """get endpoint to results of a request
+        This function checks if the request is already known and has been submitted to the TOAD DB.
+        If yes, the know endpoint is returned.
+        If the cache knows the endpoint, but the DB has deleted it, the endpoint is removed from the cache and a new request is started.
+        Otherwise a new new request is started.
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        Options for the request.
+        """
         if query_options.cache_key in self.cache:
             status_endpoint = self.cache.get(query_options.cache_key)
@@ -124,6 +205,15 @@ class Connection:
         return status_endpoint
     def query_for_status_endpoint(self, query_options: QueryOptions):
+        """create and new request to the TOAR DB.
+        Adds the status endpoint of the request to the cache. 
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        query_options:
+            request to the TOAR database.
+        """
         response = self.wait_and_get(self.endpoint, asdict(query_options))
         status_endpoint = response.json()["status"]
         self.cache.put(query_options.cache_key, status_endpoint)
@@ -133,6 +223,19 @@ class Connection:
     def wait_and_get(
         self, endpoint, query_options=None, wait_secs=None, timeout=(3.05, 20)
+        """accesses given endpoint
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        endpoint:
+            either full endpoint of a request of base endpoint.
+        query_options:
+            used with the base endpoint to create a request. If None, endpoint is expected to be a full endpoint
+        wait_secs:
+            sleep in seconds before starting request to TAOR DB
+        timeout:
+            timeout for the request.
+        """
         if wait_secs:
@@ -143,9 +246,29 @@ class AnalysisService:
     METADATA = "metadata"
     def __init__(self, stats_endpoint, cache_dir):
+        """constructor for setting up cache and connection
+        Parameters:
+        ---------
+        stats_endpoint:
+            link to statistics service of TOAR DB
+        cache_dir:
+            directory to store cache file for requests, needs to exist
+        """
         self.connection = Connection(stats_endpoint, cache_dir)
     def get_data(self, metadata: Metadata) -> AnalysisRequestResult:
+        """main function to obtain data from the TOAR DB
+        Handles requesting and loading of data into memory as soon as they are available.
+        In addition the data and coordinates undergo a cleanup.
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        metadata:
+            meta data for the request.
+        """
         timeseries, timeseries_metadata = self.get_timeseries_and_metadata(metadata)
         coords = self.get_clean_coords(timeseries_metadata)
         timeseries = self.get_clean_timeseries(timeseries, metadata)
@@ -154,18 +277,39 @@ class AnalysisService:
     def get_timeseries_and_metadata(
         self, metadata: Metadata
     ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
+        """obtain data and metadata from TOAR database
+        return:
+            tuple[timeseries, station coordinates]
+        """
         query_options = QueryOptions.from_metadata(metadata)
         result = self.connection.get(query_options)
         timeseries, timeseries_metadata = self.load_data(result.content, metadata)
         return timeseries, timeseries_metadata
-    def get_clean_coords(self, timeseries_metadata):
+    def get_clean_coords(self, timeseries_metadata : pd.DataFrame):
+        """remove all stations with invalid coordinates
+        invalid coordinates are NaN, none etc.
+        return:
+            stations with valid coordinates
+        """
         coords = timeseries_metadata[COORDS]
         coords.columns = [Coordinates.latitude.name, Coordinates.longitude.name]
         valid_coords = coords.notna().all(axis=1)
         return coords[valid_coords]
-    def get_clean_timeseries(self, timeseries, metadata: Metadata):
+    def get_clean_timeseries(self, timeseries : pd.DataFrame, metadata: Metadata):
+        """replaces all nan in the data with 0 for plotting
+        timeseries:
+            extracted time series
+        metadata:
+            metadate belonging ot the timeseries.
+        return:
+            timeseries without invalid numbers (none, NaN, etc)
+        """
         # TODO maybe use cf-index here already ?
         first, last = timeseries.columns[0], timeseries.columns[-1]
         # remove data where utc -> sun/local ? time conversion leads to dateshift
@@ -181,6 +325,15 @@ class AnalysisService:
     def load_data(
         self, content: bytes, metadata: Metadata
     ) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
+        """convert downloaded byte stream into pandas dataframes
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        content:
+            downloaded data as zip file
+        metadata:
+            information on the request.
+        """
         zip_stream = io.BytesIO(content)
         with ZipFile(zip_stream) as myzip:
             timeseries = self.extract_data(myzip, metadata.statistic)
@@ -188,7 +341,16 @@ class AnalysisService:
         return timeseries, timeseries_metadata
-    def extract_data(self, zip_file, data_file) -> pd.DataFrame:
+    def extract_data(self, zip_file : ZipFile, data_file : str) -> pd.DataFrame:
+        """extract a specific csv file from the zip file
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        zip_file:
+            opened zip file
+        data_file:
+            base file name of the requested file. Extension .csv is added by this function.
+        """
         with zip_file.open(f"{data_file}.csv") as f:
             s_stream = io.StringIO(f.read().decode("utf-8"))
             return pd.read_csv(s_stream, comment="#", index_col=0)
diff --git a/toargridding/variables.py b/toargridding/variables.py
index 3e29d8722d85bfae4ec1ebb28933a41fd64bb59a..eb798ee660b01d4c3a0730a7dad484e866e404b7 100644
--- a/toargridding/variables.py
+++ b/toargridding/variables.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class Variable:
         encoding of data type
     var: Variables
     data: np.ndarray
     attributes: dict[str, str]
@@ -86,6 +87,18 @@ class Coordinate(Variable):
         cls, variable: Variables, resolution: float, min: float, max: float
         """construction from a data range and resolution
+        Creates a coordinate axis between min and amx with a step size close to resolution.
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        resolution:
+            width of a bin; actual size will be selected to obtain equidistant steps between steps
+        min:
+            lowest value on coordinate axis
+        max:
+            highest value on coordinate axis
         span = max - min