diff --git a/toargridding/grids.py b/toargridding/grids.py
index cb0f946a72b124c965872ee798086bc3072ea2e4..83eb164ca5e264a4d202179102f37050fd5ce29e 100644
--- a/toargridding/grids.py
+++ b/toargridding/grids.py
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ import xarray as xr
 import pandas as pd
 import numpy as np
+from typing import Dict
+from pandas.core.groupby import DataFrameGroupBy
 from toargridding.metadata import (
@@ -22,6 +25,8 @@ GridType = Enum("GridType", ["regular"])
 class GridDefinition(ABC):
     """factory and base class for definition of different grids
+    usage: GridDefinition.construct( GridType, dict( parameter : value ) )
+    The dict must contain all parameters required for the creation of the desired GridType
     cell_index_name = "cell_index"
@@ -32,6 +37,9 @@ class GridDefinition(ABC):
     def construct(grid_type: GridType, **kwargs):
         """creation of requested grid type
+        usage: GridDefinition.construct( GridType, dict( parameter : value ) )
+        The dict must contain all parameters required for the creation of the desired GridType
         match (grid_type):
             case GridType.regular:
@@ -41,7 +49,7 @@ class GridDefinition(ABC):
-    def description(self):
+    def description(self)->str:
         """description of this grid
@@ -67,11 +75,32 @@ class GridDefinition(ABC):
 class RegularGrid(GridDefinition):
     """definition of a regular grid with longitude and latitude.
+    The grid covers the complete globe and is defined by providing resolution for latitude (lat_resolution) and longitude (lon_resolution)
+    Argument:
+    --------
+    lat:
+        latitude coordinate axis.
+    lon:
+        longitude coordinate axis.
+    dims:
+        names of the dimensions of the data
     Coord = namedtuple("Coord", ["lat", "lon"])
     def __init__(self, lat_resolution, lon_resolution):
+        """constructor from resolutions
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        lat_resolution:
+            resolution for latitude in degree
+        lon_resolution:
+            resolution for longitude in degree
+        """
         # TODO make sure only sensible resolutions
@@ -95,10 +124,23 @@ class RegularGrid(GridDefinition):
         self._as_i_index = np.arange(spatial_size).reshape(spatial_shape).T
-    def description(self):
+    def description(self)->str:
+        """get description of grid
+        """
         return f"regular global grid with lat/lon resolutions ({self.lat.step}, {self.lon.step})"
     def as_xarray(self, data: AnalysisRequestResult) -> xr.Dataset:
+        """gridding of a request to the TOAR database
+        groups the stations into the cells of the grid and calculates mean and standard deviation for each cell.
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        data:
+            results of the request, including data, station coordinates and metadata of request
+        """
         data_grouped_by_cell = self.group_data_by_cell(
             data.stations_data, data.stations_coords
@@ -107,7 +149,19 @@ class RegularGrid(GridDefinition):
         return dataset
-    def group_data_by_cell(self, data: pd.DataFrame, coords: pd.DataFrame):
+    def group_data_by_cell(self, data: pd.DataFrame, coords: pd.DataFrame) -> DataFrameGroupBy:
+        """grouping of stations into cells
+        This function converts the lat/lon coordinates of the stations into cell indices and groups stations belonging to one cell.
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        data:
+            station data
+        coords:
+            station coordinates
+        """
         cell_indices = self.as_cell_index(coords)
         # will convert cell_indices to float as some nans ar present
@@ -117,7 +171,17 @@ class RegularGrid(GridDefinition):
         return data_with_indices.groupby(GridDefinition.cell_index_name)
-    def get_cell_statistics(self, groups) -> dict[Variables, pd.DataFrame]:
+    def get_cell_statistics(self, groups : DataFrameGroupBy) -> dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
+        """calculation of mean, std and number of stations per cell
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        groups:
+            time series data grouped by stations in a cell
+        return:
+            dictionary with calculated quantities 
+        """
         stats = {
             Variables.mean: groups.mean(),
             Variables.std: groups.std(),
@@ -126,7 +190,19 @@ class RegularGrid(GridDefinition):
         return stats
-    def create_dataset(self, cell_statistics: pd.DataFrame, metadata: Metadata):
+    def create_dataset(self, cell_statistics : Dict, metadata: Metadata) -> xr.Dataset:
+        """creation of data set and filling with results from the gridding
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        cell_statistics:
+            values obtained for each cell. In the beginning these are mean, std and number of stations
+        metadata:
+            metadata of the request
+        return:
+            xarray dataset with coordinates and variables following the CF convention
+        """
         time = Coordinate.from_data(
@@ -143,12 +219,39 @@ class RegularGrid(GridDefinition):
         return gridded_ds
-    def get_data_array_dict(self, time, aggregated_data, variable, metadata):
+    def get_data_array_dict(self, time : Coordinate, aggregated_data : pd.DataFrame, variable : Variables, metadata : Metadata) -> Dict[str, xr.DataArray]:
+        """conversion of data to a dict for assigning them to the Dataset
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        time:
+            temporal coordinate
+        aggregated_data:
+            obtained results per grid cell
+        variable:
+            variable to be added. This allows access to Cf conform metadata
+        metadata:
+            metadata of request
+        """
         gridded_data = self.create_gridded_data(time, aggregated_data)
         gridded_variable = Variable.from_data(gridded_data, variable, metadata)
         return {variable.name: gridded_variable.as_data_array(self.dims)}
-    def create_gridded_data(self, time, grouped_timeseries):
+    def create_gridded_data(self, time : Coordinate, grouped_timeseries : pd.DataFrame)->np.array:
+        """converts the available cell data to a full lat/lon-temporal data cube.
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        time: 
+            temporal coordinate
+        grouped_timeseries:
+            data frame with station position and data
+        return: 
+            3D-array with axis time, latitude and longitude. Fields without data are nan (fill_value defined in GridDefinition init)
+        """
+        #CAVE: This function might involve black magic...
         values = np.empty((time.size, self.lat.size, self.lon.size))
         values[...] = self.fill_value
@@ -159,7 +262,10 @@ class RegularGrid(GridDefinition):
         return values
-    def as_cell_index(self, coords):
+    def as_cell_index(self, coords : pd.DataFrame) -> pd.Series:
+        """converts coordinates of stations into x and y indices of the regular grid
+        """
         id_x = self.coord_to_index(coords[self.lat.name], self.lat.min, self.lat.step)
         id_y = self.coord_to_index(coords[self.lon.name], self.lon.min, self.lon.step)
@@ -167,12 +273,35 @@ class RegularGrid(GridDefinition):
         return pd.Series(id_i, index=id_x.index)
-    def coord_to_index(self, coord, x0_axis, d_axis):
+    def coord_to_index(self, coord : pd.Series, x0_axis : float, d_axis : float) -> np.array:
+        """converts a coordinate into a bin index on one axis
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        coord:
+            coordinate for conversion
+        x0_axis:
+            offset of the axis
+        d_axis:
+            resolution of the axis
+        """
         return (np.ceil((coord / d_axis) - 0.5) - x0_axis / d_axis).astype(int)
-    def get_empty_grid(
-        self, time: Variable, metadata: pd.DataFrame
-    ) -> xr.Dataset:  # TODO make CF-compliant => docs
+    def get_empty_grid(self, time: Variable, metadata: Metadata) -> xr.Dataset:  # TODO make CF-compliant => docs
+        """creation of an empty dataset without data
+        Sets up a dataset with its three axis: time, longitude and latitude.
+        Adds global metadata to the dataset.
+        Parameters:
+        ----------
+        time:
+            temporal coordinate
+        Metadata:
+            information on request
+        """
         coords = {
             Variables.time.name: time.as_data_array(),
             Variables.latitude.name: self.lat.as_data_array(),
diff --git a/toargridding/variables.py b/toargridding/variables.py
index eb798ee660b01d4c3a0730a7dad484e866e404b7..5445cf543363e2f1228a9bebc0c452c9b22f2422 100644
--- a/toargridding/variables.py
+++ b/toargridding/variables.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class Variable:
     encoding: dict[str, str]
-    def from_data(cls, data, variable: Variables, metadata: Metadata | None, **kwargs):
+    def from_data(cls, data : np.array, variable: Variables, metadata: Metadata | None, **kwargs):
         """construction from analysis results
         cf_metadata = get_cf_metadata(variable, metadata=metadata)