... | ... | @@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ Helmholtz funds three more Foundation Model Projects. Jülich is involved in all |
Best digital resource | Best PhD dissertation | Best paper<br>
Submission open until **November 15**. <br>
[[Read more](https://events.hifis.net/event/1887/)]
* April 26, 2024: The Helmholtz Information and Data Science (HIDS) Framework, i.e., die future concepts for all Incubator Platforms, were approved by the HGF General Assembly. This is a big deal for the continuation of Helmholtz AI and all sister platforms!
* April 19, 2024: **Helmholtz Foundation Model initiative**: Helmholtz invests 23 million in research on AI foundation models [[link](https://www.fz-juelich.de/de/aktuelles/news/meldungen/2024/neue-ki-grundlagenmodelle-fuer-die-wissenschaft)].
Two (out of four) projects are coordinated by Jülich teams and Jülich is also part of the coordination unit. All projects will be featured at the [Helmholtz AI Conference](www.haicon24.de). Stay tuned!
* Feb 1, 2024: Helmholtz Foundation Model Initiative Call: [[link](https://www.helmholtz.de/en/research/current-calls-for-applications/article/helmholtz-foundation-model-initiative/)]
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