... | ... | @@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ Initiated and curated by [Susanne Wenzel](http://www.fz-juelich.de/SharedDocs/Pe |
# News
* Oct 21, 2024: Nominations for Helmholtz AI Awards are open:<br>
Best digital resource<br>
Best PhD dissertation<br>
Best paper<br>
Submission open until **November 15**. <br>
[[Read more](https://events.hifis.net/event/1887/)]
* April 26, 2024: The Helmholtz Information and Data Science (HIDS) Framework, i.e., die future concepts for all Incubator Platforms, were approved by the HGF General Assembly. This is a big deal for the continuation of Helmholtz AI and all sister platforms!
* April 19, 2024: Helmholtz invests 23 million in research on AI foundation models [[link](https://www.fz-juelich.de/de/aktuelles/news/meldungen/2024/neue-ki-grundlagenmodelle-fuer-die-wissenschaft)].
Two (out of four) projects are coordinated by Jülich teams and Jülich is also part of the coordination unit. All projects will be featured at the [Helmholtz AI Conference](www.haicon24.de). Stay tuned!
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[Archive News](Archive News)
# Events
* Dec 11, 2024: **Helmholtz AI Annual Retrospective**, 10:00 am, online [[details and registration](https://events.hifis.net/event/1887/)]
* Dec 9, 2024: **JULAIN Talk** by Arvind Narayanan: Overcoming pitfalls in the use of machine learning in science [[read more](JULAIN_Talk_Arvind_Narayanan)]
* Nov 7, 2024: **Helmholtz AI FFT Seminar** by HEREON
* "Laboratory earthquake forecasting using machine learning", Sadegh Karimpouli (GFZ)
* "Geometric and Physical Constraints Synergistically Improve Neural PDE Integration”, Yunfei Huang (Hereon)
* "A Convolutional Neural Network to detect bowhead whale vocalizations in passive acoustic data from the Arctic Ocean", Paul Keil (DKRZ/Hereon)
* [[more details](https://events.hifis.net/event/1898/)]
* Oct 31, 2024: **ML talk series by the Applied Machine Learning group (INM-7)**, 15:00, online<br>
**Synthetic data for a better understanding of Machine Learning models and algorithms**<br>
Prof. Carlos Soares, University of Porto<br>
Summary: Synthetic data generation has gained relevance recently, particularly to provide more data for learning models (e.g. with GANs). However, (semi-)synthetic data is also important for an even more important task, which is to improve our understanding of the behavior of ML models and algorithms. In this talk, I will discuss some of the work under development in this direction at the Center for Responsible AI in Porto.
* Oct 10, 2024: **Helmholtz AI FFT Seminar** by FZJ
* “Towards Decoding Fibre Architecture in the Human Brain using Deep Learning”, Zeynep Boztoprak (FZJ, INM-1)
* “OneProt: Towards Multi-Modal Protein Foundation Models”, Alina Bazarova (FZJ, JSC)
* “AISPA: AI-driven instantaneous solar cell property analysis”, Toby Rudolph (FZJ, IMD-3)
* [[more details](https://events.hifis.net/event/1840/)]
* Oct 7, 2024: **JULAIN Journal Club** talk by Lijun Yu: VideoPoet: A Large Language Model for Zero-Shot Video Generation [[read more](JULAIN_Journal_Club_Lijun_Yu)]
* May 2, 2024: **Helmholtz AI FFT Seminar** by DLR
* “Geospatial Analytics at Scale”, Conrad Albrecht
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