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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.8.11
    Bugfix release
    - spack inadvertently required git, hg, svn, and svnadmin.
    - this version doens't require them unless they're used.
  • v0.8.10
    84aa69fb · Release v0.8.10 ·
    v0.8.10: Fancy fetching
    v0.8.10 Release Notes
    For users
      - Packages can now fetch source from git, svn, and hg repositories.
      - Environment module support, docs.
      - Extensive additions to online documentation.
      - 18 new packages
    For packagers
      - Versions in ranges are now more permissive, fixing some long-standing
        bugs.  pkg@:1 will now match pkg@1.0, pkg@1.1, pkg@1.9.1, etc.
        Previously "@:1" would not match any minor or patch versions above 1.
      - Github-aware list urls (spack will find releases tab on github)
      - spack list can now do globs (e.g., spack list mpi*)
      - spack md5 command does single-file checksums
      - spack info -r autogenerates package list for documentation.
      - spack edit -c can edit Spack commands by name.
      - Extensive new unit tests (for fetching and mirroring)
      - MPI installs can work without fortran compilers
      - Version updates fix long-standing test failure. Tests all pass now.
      - Many bugfixes
    18 new packages
      ImageMagick  automake   fontconfig  libNBC   libtool  netgauge
      autoconf     bib2xhtml  freetype    libpng   lwm2     sundials
      automaded    coreutils  jpeg        libtiff  mpe2     swig
  • v0.8.5
    86980c29 · Merge branch 'develop' ·
    Spack version 0.8.5
    New features for users:
    - Integration with TCL modules and dotkit
      - spack use/unuse, spcak load/unload
    - Works with Python 2.6 (as well as 2.7 like before)
    - 24 new packages:
      adept-utils  extrae      libmonitor  ompss    papi        scorep
      clang        hwloc       llvm        opari2   paraver     sqlite
      cube         libarchive  llvm-lld    openssl  postgresql  wx
      dtcmp        libcircle   lwgrp       otf2     scalasca    wxpropgrid
    New features for packagers and developers:
    - Per-version URLs
    - Compiler-dependent C++11 flag
    - CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH now set before install()
    - Improved spec design, more stability
    - New commands:
      - spack pkg
      - spack cd
      - spack location
  • v0.8