# If True, all worker pods will be deleted upon termination
delete_worker_pods = True
# If False (and delete_worker_pods is True),
# failed worker pods will not be deleted so users can investigate them.
# This only prevents removal of worker pods where the worker itself failed,
# not when the task it ran failed.
delete_worker_pods_on_failure = False
# Number of Kubernetes Worker Pod creation calls per scheduler loop.
# Note that the current default of "1" will only launch a single pod
# per-heartbeat. It is HIGHLY recommended that users increase this
# number to match the tolerance of their kubernetes cluster for
# better performance.
worker_pods_creation_batch_size = 1
# Allows users to launch pods in multiple namespaces.
# Will require creating a cluster-role for the scheduler
multi_namespace_mode = False
# Use the service account kubernetes gives to pods to connect to kubernetes cluster.
# It's intended for clients that expect to be running inside a pod running on kubernetes.
# It will raise an exception if called from a process not running in a kubernetes environment.
in_cluster = True
# When running with in_cluster=False change the default cluster_context or config_file
# options to Kubernetes client. Leave blank these to use default behaviour like ``kubectl`` has.
# cluster_context =
# Path to the kubernetes configfile to be used when ``in_cluster`` is set to False
# config_file =
# Keyword parameters to pass while calling a kubernetes client core_v1_api methods
# from Kubernetes Executor provided as a single line formatted JSON dictionary string.
# List of supported params are similar for all core_v1_apis, hence a single config
# variable for all apis. See:
kube_client_request_args =
# Optional keyword arguments to pass to the ``delete_namespaced_pod`` kubernetes client
# ``core_v1_api`` method when using the Kubernetes Executor.
# This should be an object and can contain any of the options listed in the ``v1DeleteOptions``
# class defined here:
# Example: delete_option_kwargs = {"grace_period_seconds": 10}
delete_option_kwargs =
# Enables TCP keepalive mechanism. This prevents Kubernetes API requests to hang indefinitely
# when idle connection is time-outed on services like cloud load balancers or firewalls.
enable_tcp_keepalive = True
# When the `enable_tcp_keepalive` option is enabled, TCP probes a connection that has
# been idle for `tcp_keep_idle` seconds.
tcp_keep_idle = 120
# When the `enable_tcp_keepalive` option is enabled, if Kubernetes API does not respond
# to a keepalive probe, TCP retransmits the probe after `tcp_keep_intvl` seconds.
tcp_keep_intvl = 30
# When the `enable_tcp_keepalive` option is enabled, if Kubernetes API does not respond
# to a keepalive probe, TCP retransmits the probe `tcp_keep_cnt number` of times before
# a connection is considered to be broken.
tcp_keep_cnt = 6
# Set this to false to skip verifying SSL certificate of Kubernetes python client.
verify_ssl = True
# How long in seconds a worker can be in Pending before it is considered a failure
worker_pods_pending_timeout = 300
# How often in seconds to check if Pending workers have exceeded their timeouts
worker_pods_pending_timeout_check_interval = 120
# How often in seconds to check for task instances stuck in "queued" status without a pod
worker_pods_queued_check_interval = 60
# How many pending pods to check for timeout violations in each check interval.
# You may want this higher if you have a very large cluster and/or use ``multi_namespace_mode``.
worker_pods_pending_timeout_batch_size = 100
# When `use_smart_sensor` is True, Airflow redirects multiple qualified sensor tasks to
# smart sensor task.
use_smart_sensor = False
# `shard_code_upper_limit` is the upper limit of `shard_code` value. The `shard_code` is generated
# by `hashcode % shard_code_upper_limit`.
shard_code_upper_limit = 10000
# The number of running smart sensor processes for each service.
shards = 5
# comma separated sensor classes support in smart_sensor.