from airflow.decorators import dag, task
from airflow.models.connection import Connection
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
from b2shareoperator import (add_file, create_draft_record, get_community,
from decors import get_connection, remove, setup
from just_reg import get_parameter
from datacat_integration.hooks import DataCatalogHook
from datacat_integration.connection import DataCatalogEntry
default_args = {
'owner': 'airflow',
def create_template(hrespo):
return {
"titles": [{"title": hrespo['title']}],
"creators": [{"creator_name": hrespo['creator_name']}],
"descriptions": [
"description": hrespo['description'],
"description_type": "Abstract"
"community": "2d58eb08-af65-4cad-bd25-92f1a17d325b",
"community_specific": {
"90942261-4637-4ac0-97b8-12e1edb38739": {"helmholtz centre": ["Forschungszentrum Jülich"]}
"open_access": hrespo['open_access'] == "True"
@dag(default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=None, start_date=days_ago(2), tags=['example'])
def upload_example():
def load(connection_id, **kwargs):
target = Variable.get("working_dir", default_var='/tmp/')
source = params.get('source', '/tmp/')
ssh_hook = get_connection(conn_id=connection_id, **kwargs)
with ssh_hook.get_conn() as ssh_client:
sftp_client = ssh_client.open_sftp()
lst = sftp_client.listdir(path=source)
mappings = dict()
for fname in lst:
local = tempfile.mktemp(prefix='dls', dir=target)
full_name = os.path.join(source, fname)
sts = sftp_client.stat(full_name)
if str(sts).startswith('d'):
print(f"{full_name} is a directory. Skipping")
print(f"Copying {connection_id}:{full_name} --> {local}")
sftp_client.get(os.path.join(source, fname), local)
mappings[local] = fname
return mappings
def upload(files: dict, **kwargs):
connection = Connection.get_connection_from_secrets('default_b2share')
server = "https://" +
token = connection.extra_dejson['access_token']
params = kwargs['params']
mid = params['mid']
print("Connected to datacat via hook")
entry = json.loads(hook.get_entry(datacat_type='storage_target', oid=mid))
print('Got following metadata', entry)
template = create_template(hrespo=entry['metadata'])
community = get_community(server=server, community_id=template['community'])
if not community:
print("Not existing community")
cid, required = community
missing = [r for r in required if r not in template]
if any(missing):
print(f"Community {cid} required field {missing} are missing. This could pose some problems")
r = create_draft_record(server=server, token=token, record=template)
if 'id' in r:
print(f"Draft record created {r['id']} --> {r['links']['self']}")
print('Something went wrong with registration', r, r.text)
for [local, true_name] in files.items():
print(f"Uploading {local} --> {true_name}")
_ = add_file(record=r, fname=local, token=token, remote=true_name)
# delete local
print("Submitting record for pubication")
submitted = submit_draft(record=r, token=token)
print(f"Record created {submitted}")
return submitted['links']['publication']
def register(object_url, **kwargs):
reg = get_parameter(parameter='register', default=False, **kwargs)
if not reg:
print("Skipping registration as 'register' parameter is not set")
return 0
hook = DataCatalogHook()
print("Connected to datacat via hook", hook.list_type('dataset'))
entry = DataCatalogEntry(name=f"DLS results {kwargs['run_id']}",
metadata= {
"author": "DLS on behalf of eFlows",
"access": "hook-based"}
r = hook.create_entry(datacat_type='dataset', entry=entry)
return r
except ConnectionError as e:
print('Registration failed', e)
setup_task = PythonOperator(python_callable=setup, task_id='setup_connection')
a_id = setup_task.output['return_value']
files = load(connection_id=a_id)
uid = upload(files)
en = PythonOperator(python_callable=remove, op_kwargs={
'conn_id': a_id}, task_id='cleanup')
dag = upload_example()