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import unittest
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch
import tempfile
import os

from airflow.utils.state import DagRunState
from airflow.utils.types import DagRunType
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.models.taskinstance import TaskInstance
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
from airflow.utils.state import State

from dags.b2shareoperator import (B2ShareOperator, download_file,
                                  get_file_list, get_object_md, get_objects,
                                  get_record_template, create_draft_record, add_file, submit_draft)

DEFAULT_DATE = '2019-10-03'
TEST_DAG_ID = 'test_my_custom_operator'
TEST_TASK_ID = 'test'

class B2ShareOperatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        with DAG(TEST_DAG_ID, schedule_interval='@daily', default_args={'start_date': days_ago(2)}, params={"oid": "111"}) as dag:
        self.dag = dag
        #self.ti = TaskInstance(task=self.op, execution_date=days_ago(1))

    def test_alt_execute_no_trigger(self, down, gfl, ht):
        gfl.return_value = {'ooo.txt': 'htt://file/to/download'}
        down.return_value = 'tmp_name'

        dagrun = self.dag.create_dagrun(state=DagRunState.RUNNING, run_id=TEST_DAG_ID, run_type=DagRunType.MANUAL)
        ti = dagrun.get_task_instance(task_id=TEST_TASK_ID)
        ti.task = self.dag.get_task(task_id=TEST_TASK_ID)

        self.assertEqual(State.SUCCESS, ti.state)

        # return value
        ret = ti.xcom_pull()
        self.assertEqual(ret, 1, f"{ret}")

        lcl = ti.xcom_pull(key='local')
        rmt = ti.xcom_pull(key='remote')
        mps = ti.xcom_pull(key='mappings')
        self.assertEqual(len(mps), 1, f"{mps}")
            mps, {'ooo.txt': 'tmp_name'}, f"unexpecting mappings: {mps}")
        self.assertEqual(lcl, 'tmp_name', f"unexpecting local name: {lcl}")
        self.assertEqual(rmt, 'ooo.txt', f"unexpected remote name: {rmt}")

    def test_get_files(self):
        with patch('dags.b2shareoperator.requests.get') as get:
            m = Mock()
            m.json.return_value = {'contents': [
                {'key': 'veryimportant.txt', 'links': {'self': ''}}]}
            get.return_value = m
            ret = get_file_list(obj={'links': {'files': ['bla']}})
            self.assertEqual(len(ret), 1)

    def test_download_file(self):
        with patch('dags.b2shareoperator.urllib.request.urlretrieve') as rr:
            with patch('dags.b2shareoperator.tempfile.mktemp') as mt:
                mt.return_value = '/tmp/val'
                fname = download_file(
                    url='', target_dir='/no/tmp/')
                self.assertEqual(fname, '/tmp/val')

    def test_get_md(self):
        with patch('dags.b2shareoperator.requests.get') as get:
            m = Mock()
            rval = {'links': {'files': ['a', 'b']}}
            m.json.return_value = rval
            get.return_value = m
            r = get_object_md(server='foo', oid='bar')
            self.assertDictEqual(rval, r)

    def test_get_objects(self):
        with patch('dags.b2shareoperator.requests.get') as get:
            m = Mock()
            rval = {'hits': {'hits': ['a', 'b']}}
            m.json.return_value = rval
            get.return_value = m
            r = get_objects(server='foo')
            self.assertListEqual(['a', 'b'], r)

    def test_upload(self):
        template = get_record_template()
        token = ''
        with patch('') as post: 
            r = create_draft_record(server=server, token=token, record=template)

        r = dict()
        r['links']={'files':server, 'self': server}
        with patch('') as put:
            a = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
            a.write(b"some content")
            up = add_file(record=r,, token=token, remote='/tmp/somefile.txt')

        with patch('dags.b2shareoperator.requests.patch') as p:
            submitted = submit_draft(record=r, token=token)