-echo "Starting the full testing deployment of airflows example."
-pip install python-openstackclient
-INSTANCE_ID=`openstack server create -f value -c id --prefix IMAGE_ --flavor s2 --image 149a65b5-aeb8-499f-aaa6-ec966bd28dd6 --user-data cloudinit.yml --security-group ssh --security-group airflows --security-group www --security-group https airflow-testing`
-INSTANCE_ID=`openstack server create -f value -c id --prefix IMAGE_ --flavor s2 --image 149a65b5-aeb8-499f-aaa6-ec966bd28dd6 --user-data scripts/cloudinit.yml --security-group ssh --security-group airflows --security-group www --security-group https airflow-testing`
-while [ "`openstack server show $INSTANCE_ID -c addresses -f value`" = "{}" ]; do sleep 5; done# wait until an address is available to attach the floating ip
-openstack server add floating ip $INSTANCE_ID $FLOATING_IP