Means to start a DAG through API are in place
The pipelines in DLS will be triggred by ReST api call:
The API:
There is also swagger doc when instance is created
The pipelines in DLS will be triggred by ReST api call:
The API:
There is also swagger doc when instance is created
First attempts are promising:
The dag needs to be enabled:
curl -X PATCH -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user "airflow:airflow" --data '{"is_paused": false}' airflow_host:7001/api/v1/dags/firsto
and the trigger manually
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user "airflow:airflow" --data '{"conf": {},"dag_run_id": "string","execution_date": "2021-07-18T08:23:06.354Z"}' airflow_host:7001/api/v1/dags/firsto/dagRuns
Each trigger shall have an unique dag_run_id
There is also an official python client:
not sure if this is relevant as the TOSCA stuff is java-based(?)
Passing over parameter to the DAG:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --user "a:a" --data '{"conf": {"oid":"b38609df2b334ea296ea1857e568dbea"}}' server:7001/api/v1/dags/taskflow_example/dagRuns
mentioned in commit 36c12439