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Snippets Groups Projects

Data Logistics Service

eFlows4HPC Data Logistics Service

mkdir ./logs ./plugins
echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)\nAIRFLOW_GID=0" > .env
reqs=`cat requirements.txt | tr '\n' ' '`

docker-compose -f dockers/docker-compose.yaml --project-directory . up airflow-init
docker-compose -f dockers/docker-compose.yaml --project-directory . up -d

Setup connection

B2Share connection

Here we use testing instance (check hostname)

curl -X POST -u creds -H "Content-Type: application/json"  --data '{"connection_id": "default_b2share","conn_type":"https", "host": "", "schema":""}' airflow:7001/api/v1/connections


Copy to target goes through scp (example with username/pass)

curl -X POST -u creds -H "Content-Type: application/json"  --data '{"connection_id": "default_ssh", "conn_type": "ssh", "host": "ssh", "login": "user", "port": 2222, "password": "pass"}' airflow:7001/api/v1/connections

Connections can also be added through env variables, like
