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Other labels 22

  • .doing
    status label
  • .done
    status label
  • .rejected
    status label
  • .todo
    status label
  • Doing
    esde / machine-learning / MLAir
    Issue related to this label are currently activly in development / under construction.
  • HPC
    esde / machine-learning / MLAir
    all technical and administrativ issues related to JUWELS / HDFML systems.
  • Release
    esde / machine-learning / MLAir
    This label is used for special issues that have to be celebrated with beer.
  • To Do
    esde / machine-learning / MLAir
    Issue related to this label are planned to be worked on in near future.
  • bug
    The issue documents broken, incorrect, or confusing behavior.
  • confirmed
    The issue is labeled as bug or critical and has been confirmed by the repository’s maintainer.
  • critical
    The issue causes data loss, crashes or hangs processes, makes the system unresponsive, etc. The workaround is too complex and unacceptable.
  • discussion
    The issue is a discussion that is not necessarily related to a concrete bug or feature. The outcome of the discussion may be the creation of one or both of the latter. In association with suggestion, enhancement or bug, it means that the issue cannot be closed soon, because further discussion is needed.
  • The issue relates to documentation of the software.
  • The issue is a request for new specific functionality including changes, enhancements, refactors, etc.
  • forthcoming
    esde / machine-learning / MLAir
    Issue related to this label are in transition from "To Do" to "Doing", as they are scheduled to be worked on next.
  • idea
    The issue is a marker for ideas, that are not that concrete to be realized soon, and which might even not be realizable. This category is a memory bank for your creative ideas, that might otherwise be forgotten. Potential use of these issues in a funding proposal.
  • merged in Develop
    esde / machine-learning / MLAir
  • publication
    esde / machine-learning / MLAir
    Related either to documentation and setup to have a publishable program or to issues that have to be solved before the submission.
  • refactoring
    esde / machine-learning / MLAir
  • suggestion
    The issue is a proposal for new functionality, performance enhancement, design changes, etc., that will require several enhancements.