New App: rice production
import from:
(points to original_data_files/rice.txt)
Wheat and rice production values for the globe at 5 arc minute resolution. The data are in units of production (irrigated + non-irrigated) in thousand tonnes.
The file then extracts the wheat/rice production value at the location of each TOAR ozone monitoring site.
The data were downloaded from the GAEZ data portal ( ) and then output to ascii text format by:
Dr Katrina Sharps
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Environment Centre Wales, UK
Tel. + 44 (0)1248 374518 (direct)
Tel. + 44 (0)1248 374500 (reception)
The ASCII output are in the following format:
columns: 4320
rows: 2160
x lower-left corner: -180
y lower-left corner: -90
cell size: 0.08333 degrees (9.25 km in latitude)
missing data: -9999
Scripts: - same procedure as for population density and others