Sabine Schröder authored
#3, #11, #12: typos fixed in extension, do not show patch schemas in documentation (pages), added more descriptions for schema fields (to be continued)
Sabine Schröder authored#3, #11, #12: typos fixed in extension, do not show patch schemas in documentation (pages), added more descriptions for schema fields (to be continued)
toar_controlled_vocabulary--0.3--0.3.5.sql 459 B
-- toardb/extension/toar_controlled_vocabulary/toar_controlled_vocabulary--0.3.5.sql
-- [Step to install]
-- 1.
-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION
\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION toar_controlled_vocabulary" to load this file. \quit
-- Update Countries
-- ================
-- Country names
INSERT INTO CN_vocabulary (enum_val,enum_str,enum_display_str) VALUES(-1,'N/A','N/A');