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- sabine_issue169-netcdf-output-format-has-been-added-to-data-endpoint
- sabine_issue153-tool-for-automatic-ontology-creation
- 114-api-pages-make-use-of-redoc
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Ankit Patnala patnala1
Bjoern Hagemeier hagemeier2
Carsten Hinz hinz2
Christian Lessig lessig1
Eleonore Epp epp1
Enxhi Kreshpa kreshpa1
Eric Pavel pavel1
Jannik Finck finck1
KM Florentine Weber weber19
Karim Mache mache1
Konstantin Rushchanskii rushchanskii2
Lukas Wiebe wiebe2
Martin Schultz schultz1
Mathilde Leuridan leuridan1
Matteo Westerwinter westerwinter1
Max Lensing lensing1
Michael Langguth langguth1
Michael Tarnawa tarnawa2
Olaf Stein stein1
Rajveer Saini saini1
- Jan 13, 2021
Scripts for inserting QC test candidates into the new database (bugs found and... · c24b7a11Sabine Schröder authored
Scripts for inserting QC test candidates into the new database (bugs found and fixed), added csv API for downloading data