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  • 114-api-pages-make-use-of-redoc
  • 141-cleanup-repo
  • cherry-pick-1d0d89dc
  • dev
  • master default protected
  • ontology
  • paging_test
  • roll_out
  • sabine_#52_webdo3seAPI
  • sabine_177-endpoint-timeseries_merged-is-available
  • sabine_issue153-tool-for-automatic-ontology-creation
  • sabine_issue169-netcdf-output-format-has-been-added-to-data-endpoint
  • search_function_filters
  • swt-project-filtering
  • testing
15 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.027Jan261815131211922Dec212016151398730Nov177527Oct262522181413121176524Sep22211092131Aug30272625231918129Jul28272623222016131211730Jun2431May27262517168765129Apr28242219181613872131Mar3029282524221612754328Feb2322212018141329Jan2826242219141322Dec191430Nov2618131Oct1098765329Sep213Aug111076318Jul111097654230Jun292719151412111098654231May2926Merge branch 'testing' into 'master'Merge branch 'dev' into 'testing'adaption to toarstats v0.2.0 (also description of climatic zones were adapted)Merge branch 'dev' into 'testing'toarstats v0.2.0 uses a different interface then v0.1.0 (passing of arguments from toardb_fastapi to toarstats needs still to be expanded)Merge branch 'dev' into 'testing'install toarqc and toarstats directly from repository (without a local copy)make CI work again (2nd try)make CI work againRevert "try whether non-local URI works for CI/CD (not working on local VM)"try whether non-local URI works for CI/CD (not working on local VM)small adaptions while updating to python 3.10new pages with adapted controlled vocabularycorrected wrong update script vor updating the controlled vocabulary from version 0.7.3 to version 0.7.4changed controlled vocabulary (climatic zones and sampling frequency), updated pagesadded more detailed http return codes from data qualityclimatic zones adaptedadd yaml output to REST API for openapi schemaadded version 0.7.3 of the controlled vocabulary to branch devchange of ecoregion individuals class relationMerge branch 'ontology' of into ontologyIndividual undefined added to dominant_ecoregion_year2017individulas moved from ecoregion_description_year2017 to dominant_ecoregion_year2017Merge branch 'testing' into 'master'Merge branch 'dev' into 'testing'add controlled vocabulary of station eco regions to the FastAPI schemachange using ontology describing the controlled vocabulary to using the one describing the complete metadataeco regions: corrected typo in constraint, added undefined valueset base path OWLdoc with already cleaned-up individualsecoregions addeddefinitions and pref_label addedMerge branch 'ontology' of into ontologycountries added to timeseriescorrected typo in scriptadapt shrinking of files to new metadata ontologyadded some explanation to prepare_OWLDoc, added executable permission to scriptsECO regions: indices and descriptions form an inseparable unitadded eco regions to the controlled vocabularyMerge branch 'testing' into 'master'