Migration of TOAR database from Django to FastAPI
Thoughts around this project, especially which tests were taken (and which tests have still to be done):
(or see code development at: https://gitlab.version.fz-juelich.de/toar/toar-db/-/tree/sabine_%2333_testfastAPI/fastAPIproject)
This issue is structured with a table of contents and aims to clarify issues that were coming up.
documentation (pages)
installation guide
This repository holds a simple test database toardb_dump.sql (not yet fully filled with example data).
Also some testing examples for the running application are provided within file production_tests.sh, as well as corresponding pytests.
Running the tests and pytest are described after the installation guide (you need to do this first).
installation and setup of database:
Please follow exactly the instructions on page
(I unsuccessfully tried some shortcuts that did not work -- the above instructions do work!).
After the above instructions execute the following command from shell:
psql -U toaradmin -d toardb -h localhost -f toardb_dump.sql
installation of toardb_fastapi:
After cloning the repository (git clone https://gitlab.version.fz-juelich.de/toar/toardb_fastapi.git
it is recommended to create a virtual environment and install the requirements therein:
python3 –m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install –r requirements.txt
Running pytest
After download and installation (see above) of toardb_fastapi you can check, if everything is working via
(due to an unknown error the database cannot be teared down correctly -- still under investigation (very last test will throw an error for teardown of database if run as ensemble, if every module is pytested stand-alone this error will not show up)).
Running live tests
After download and installation (see above) of toardb_fastapi you can check, if everything is working in the live system via the following:
From the top directory of the project (toardb_fastapi) open two terminals.
In the first terminal start the application via:
source venv/bin/activate
uvicorn toardb.toardb:app --reload
In the second terminal start the live tests via:
database interface (REST API)
(more examples can be found in file production_tests.sh)
run as:
uvicorn toardb.toardb:app --reload
after having followed the above installation instructions.
For example try:
get all data of table data (you should NOT do this!):
get 4 arbitrary rows of table data:
get all data of timeseries with id=2:
upload a file to the table data of the TOAR database: (at the moment every data will be uploaded to timeseries with timeseries_id=2 -- hardwired)
- file in current directory:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8; boundary=__X_PAW_BOUNDARY__' -F "file=@o3_CO002_2012_2017_v1-0.dat" ""
- file with absolute path:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; charset=utf-8; boundary=__X_PAW_BOUNDARY__' -F "file=@/home/sschroeder/fastAPIproject/upload_tests/o3_CO002_2012_2017_v1-0.dat" ""
get variable information:
curl ""
curl ""
get stationmeta_core information:
curl ""
curl ""