Explore projects
Portable "minimal" Emacs configuration. Works on Linux and Mac.
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JuPedSim / JPSfire
OtherFramework for the Pre-processing of fire simulation results for JPScore
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jupyter4jsc / j4j_extras / pvlink
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseParaViewWeb RemoteRenderer in Jupyter
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Stepan Nassyr / JUAWEI EasyConfigs
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyfork of https://github.com/easybuilders/JSC with some incompatible JUAWEI/AArch64 specific changes
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Samples and documentation for the "Getting started with Deep Learning on Supercomputers" tutorial for the Introduction to JSC resources course
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Mapping of ozone data with machine learning methods.
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Run Zhang Master Thesis. Title: "Super-Resolution of Sentinel-2 Images with Generative Adversarial Networks". 2020
Enhancing Resolution of Sentinel 2 Hyperspectral Satellite Images with Super-resolution Generative Adversarial Networks
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Different helpful utilities and scripts