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esde / machine-learning / MLAir
MIT Licensea tool to enable fast and flexible Machine Learning on Air data time series
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Jens Henrik Goebbert / BSTIM-Covid19-Dash
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Training course - Interactive High-Performance Computing with Jupyter
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Gabriele Cavallaro / SVM_Quantum Annealer
MIT LicenseApproching Remote Sensing Image Classification with Ensembles of Support Vector Machines on the D-Wave Quantum Annealer
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MIT LicenseCorrection of HRES 24h precipitation forecast using H-SAF to be used as forecing in ParFlow/CLM integrated hydrological model.
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Collection of course material for the "High Performance Computing for neuroscience: Hands-on introduction to supercomputing usage, tools and applications" workshop.
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esde / machine-learning / AQ-Bench
MIT LicenseBenchmark data set for mapping from meta data to air quality metrics
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Jonathan Windgassen / JupyterLab-Notebooks
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Training course - Interactive High-Performance Computing with Jupyter
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KISTE / vissl
MIT LicenseVISSL is FAIR's library of extensible, modular and scalable components for SOTA Self-Supervised Learning with images.
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Ankit Patnala / seasonal-contrast
Apache License 2.0Updated