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PRACE Workshop - Interactive High-Performance Computing with Jupyter
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Collection of course material for the "High Performance Computing for neuroscience: Hands-on introduction to supercomputing usage, tools and applications" workshop.
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Explainable machine learning on the AQ-Bench dataset
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HPC4NS / dl_on_supercomputers
MIT LicenseSamples and documentation for the "Getting started with Deep Learning on Supercomputers" tutorial.
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DeepRain / PyStager
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterHere is the repository of the on-going project to develop a stand-alone sager with Python to using for I/O, Pre/Post-Processing
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esde / machine-learning / downscaling_maelstrom
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This gitlab-repository provides the training material of the two MAELSTROM Boot Camps.
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jupyter4jsc / j4j_extras / pvlink
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseParaViewWeb RemoteRenderer in Jupyter
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Goal of the project is to provide several algorithms to smooth the trajectories of persons a) to correct data uncertainty b) to remove swaying of heads and get paths of the real main direction of movement
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