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KISTE / anthroprotect
MIT LicenseUpdated -
KISTE / asos
MIT LicenseUpdated -
KISTE / wilderness
MIT LicenseUpdated -
esde / toar-data / TOAR-II dashboard
MIT LicenseUpdated -
PRACE Workshop - Interactive High-Performance Computing with Jupyter
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Collection of course material for the "High Performance Computing for neuroscience: Hands-on introduction to supercomputing usage, tools and applications" workshop.
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Explainable machine learning on the AQ-Bench dataset
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HPC4NS / dl_on_supercomputers
MIT LicenseSamples and documentation for the "Getting started with Deep Learning on Supercomputers" tutorial.
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DeepRain / PyStager
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterHere is the repository of the on-going project to develop a stand-alone sager with Python to using for I/O, Pre/Post-Processing
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esde / machine-learning / downscaling_maelstrom
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This gitlab-repository provides the training material of the two MAELSTROM Boot Camps.
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