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KISTE / vissl
MIT LicenseVISSL is FAIR's library of extensible, modular and scalable components for SOTA Self-Supervised Learning with images.
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esde / toar-data / TOAR-II dashboard
MIT LicenseUpdated -
esde / toar-data / TOAR-data Landing Page
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalLanding page for toar-data.fz-juelich.de
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This projects hosts the changelog of the most relevant aspects of the software stages deployed in JSC supercomputers.
The public mirror of these EasyBuild managed stages is at the moment in https://github.com/easybuilders/JSC
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Mohcine Chraibi / skulpt
MIT LicenseSkulpt is a Javascript implementation of the Python programming language
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esde / DestinE / MLWorkflowInterface
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Short tutorial about plotting with Pandas in Python
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Short tutorial about plotting with Pandas in Python
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jards / httpaccessmanagement
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseManagement tool for secure applying for service accounts to any other webservice. Generation of htpasswd files and API to apply for service accounts as a user.