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Public repository for files and data for GTC19 Lab »Programming GPU-Accelerated OpenPOWER Systems with OpenACC«
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Jens Henrik Goebbert / BSTIM-Covid19-Dash
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Jens Henrik Goebbert / BSTIM Covid19 - Copy
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Stefan Kesselheim / jax-md
Apache License 2.0Differentiable, Hardware Accelerated, Molecular Dynamics
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Jonathan Windgassen / JupyterLab-Notebooks
MIT LicenseUpdated -
some ideas and proof-of-concepts for model output compression
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Gabriele Cavallaro / SVM_Quantum Annealer
MIT LicenseApproching Remote Sensing Image Classification with Ensembles of Support Vector Machines on the D-Wave Quantum Annealer
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Interactive exploration and analysis of large amounts of data from scientific simulations, in-situ visualization and application control are convincing scenarios for explorative sciences. Based on the open source software JupyterLab, a way has been a
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Course material repository for the PRACE course "High Performance Scientific Computing in C++", 21 - 24 June 2021.