"High-throughput (task-based) computing is a flexible approach to parallelisation. It involves splitting a problem into loosely-coupled tasks. A scheduler then orchestrates the parallel execution of those tasks, allowing programs to adaptively scale their resource usage. E-CAM has extended the data-analytics framework Dask with a capable and efficient library to handle such workloads. This workshop will be held as a series of virtual seminars/tutorials on tools in the Dask HPC ecosystem.\n",
"- 21 January 2021, 3pm CET (2pm UTC): Dask - a flexible library for parallel computing in Python\n",
High-throughput (task-based) computing is a flexible approach to parallelisation. It involves splitting a problem into loosely-coupled tasks. A scheduler then orchestrates the parallel execution of those tasks, allowing programs to adaptively scale their resource usage. E-CAM has extended the data-analytics framework Dask with a capable and efficient library to handle such workloads. This workshop will be held as a series of virtual seminars/tutorials on tools in the Dask HPC ecosystem.
- 21 January 2021, 3pm CET (2pm UTC): Dask - a flexible library for parallel computing in Python