Restore TeXLive 2023 Compatability
This fix restores TexLive 2023 compatability which broke within the patchcmd
of L220 in beamerfontthemeJuelich.sty
; see also #22.
Beamer introduced a change in commit 4bed882a; see
I've included the new definition in our patch command and also took the opportunity to reduce the search string (second argument of patchcmd) to the minimal necessary one, to make it potentially more robust to future changes… Note that \usebeamertemplate*{frametitle continuation}
has changed to \beamer@insertframetitlecontinuation
I have not thoroughly tested the fix. It works for my setup, though. Please, someone test this next and also test if smallcaps for titles still work.
Merge request reports
- Resolved by Andreas Herten
I tested it and it works for me. Smallcaps titles also still work.
But: I don't think this can be merged, because I'm fairly certain it will then break for older texlive versions (Haven't tried, though) and I'm not sure if we'd want to break compatibility with those already. Should be resolved with 28544022
Maybe if you drop the
from the patch, it can apply for old and new texlive versions?Edited by Matthias Richerzhagen
- Resolved by Andreas Herten
Can you merge, @kabadshow1?
- Resolved by Andreas Herten
@herten1 It (28544022) is not working yet in backward compatibility though, as indicated by the failed pipeline. The problem with this version is, that the replacement text starts with "#2", which refers to a command parameter. But the patch doesn't know what command it is searching for. How would it know what #2 is referring to, how far to go back?
I tried nesting patchcmds instead (Putting another patchcmd in the last bracket, i.e. when the first one fails), but this also does not work when you are using #2 etc. Haven't found a resolution yet.
Edited by Carolin Penke
- Resolved by Andreas Herten