## X Desktop Group Configuration Files (XDG_CONFIG-*)
Each desktop profile is stored in an XDG_CONFIG-directory and can inherit
configurations from other desktop profiles (like the default desktop profile).
Hence, a complete desktop configuration is defined by multiple XDG_CONFIG-directories.
The desktop profile is set by setting the XDG_CONFIG-directories with the following system variables and search order:
* This is the base directory relative to which configuration files are searched first.
* default is ~/.config
* This is a set of preference ordered base directories relative to which configuration files are searched after $XDG_CONFIG_HOME.
* default is /etc/xdg
and the XDG_DATA-directories with the following system variables and search order:
## XFCE4 XDG configurations
Here ${XDF_CONFIG_*} denotes all XDF_CONFIG directories, which are XDF_CONFIG_HOME and XDF_CONFIG_DIRS in its correct search order.
Here ${XDF_DATA_*} denotes all XDF_DATA directories, which are XDF_DATA_HOME and XDF_DATA_DIRS in its correct search order.
- default location of all desktop backgrounds:
* ${XDF_CONFIG_*}/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml
- default desktop/panel menu description file: