Jens Henrik Goebbert authoredJens Henrik Goebbert authored
TODO 4.86 KiB
* "vncserver -profile" darf nur Profile in ${XDG_PROFILES_DIR} anzeigen, welche nicht 'hidden' sind.
* link gtk-bookmarks to ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/gtk-3.0/bookmarks
* merge ${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}/gtk-3.0/bookmarks in ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/gtk-3.0/bookmarks
* add places $WORK und $ARCH in ${XDG_PROFILES_DIR}/default/gtk-3.0/bookmarks
* share VNC session with one-time-password
* infoterm-scontrol-default zeigt jobs auf jureca
* infoterm-llq-default zeigt jobs auf juqueen
* infoterm-cpuquota-default zeigt cpuquota auf JURECA/JUQUEEN
* infoterm-dataquota-default zeigt dataquota auf JURECA/JUQUEEN
* color infoterm-jobtime-default 10 minutes before job-termination
* infoterm-vncperf-default zeigt aktuelle VNC-Performance (=Verbindungsqualität)
- set TVNC_PROFILE=1 before calling vncserver
- read throughput from Xvnc log file and print on background
* xdg_profile_set.sh: replace unset ${!XDG_*} with explicit unsets as we should avoid to unset XDG_SESSION_ID and XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
* cleanup before session close - close infoterms so they we can allow a session to be saved
- create a wrapper for xfce4-session (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7579438/how-to-execute-a-script-when-xfce-session-ends)
* kill vncserver after certain time
- timeout command on bash
* troubleshooting VNC timeouts
* turboVNC Performance:
- allow JPEG compression (on)
- JPEG image quality (95)
- JPEG chrominance subsampling (4x)
- compression level (7-8)
- zlib compression level (3)
- palette threshold (96)
- interframe comparison (on)
automatic lossless refresh
vncserver -alr <timeout>
enable server-side multithreading:
- set TVNC_MT to 1
- set TVNC_NTHREADS to number of threads to use ( = 4)
- set VGL_NTHREADS to number of threads to use ( = 4)
enable "-interframe"
Passing an argument of -noreverse to vncserver will disable the ability to make outbound (reverse) connections from the TurboVNC Server session.
If the no-reverse-connections directive is set in the TurboVNC security configuration file,
then that has the effect of enabling the -noreverse option for all new TurboVNC sessions that are started on the machine.
For these reasons, interframe comparison is not enabled by default and should not generally be enabled
except on bandwidth-constrained networks and with applications for which it can be shown to be beneficial.
Interframe comparison can be enabled by either passing an argument of -interframe to vncserver when starting a TurboVNC Server session
or by requesting a compression level of 5 or higher from the viewer (see below.)
lossless refresh
To perform a lossless refresh, press CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-L or click on the Lossless Refresh toolbar icon.
ALR behavior
You can override the default ALR behavior, thus making all screen regions eligible for ALR,
by setting the TVNC_ALRALL environment variable to 1 on the TurboVNC server machine prior to starting a TurboVNC session.
You can also set TVNC_ALRCOPYRECT to 0 to make CopyRect regions ALR-ineligible, which approximates the behavior of TurboVNC 1.2.1 and prior.
work in progress:
* autokill noch nicht sauber implementiert (jj-Adims)
* start vncserver with "nice" (jj-Admins)
- IdleTimeout=... (see Xvnc -help)
- vncconfig -display :1 IdleTimeout=...
* list all profiles with 'vncserver -profiles'
* automatischer Logout nach 24h (jj-Admins)
* read /etc/bashrc in xdg_profile_set.sh (good for all who do not do this in their ~/.bashrc) (jj-Admins)
* instead of removing cache/sessions, only remove infoterms from cached session
* show connection timeout on background
* show session elapsed time on background
* move startscripts for desktop-files to XDG_DATA_DIR
* fix xterm-color256 in lua-script (done - within ~/.bashrc)
* paraview.desktop starter von Terminal
* killall infoterm-...-... before call of infoterm-...-... (removed session-save option)
* check if cmd,var exists in infoterm-...-... before call
* remove ${XDG_CACHE_HOME}/sessions before starting vncserver
* rename xdg_profile_set.sh to xdg_profile_init.sh (and back :) )
* Login-Message beim Start in eigenem Fenster anzeigen
* check mime-types and their default applications -> location is ${XDG_DATA_DIR}/mime/packages
* (devilspie2:2933): Wnck-WARNING **: Received a timestamp of 0; window activation may not function properly. (disabled focus_window())
* call /etc/bashrc in xdg_profile_set.sh, weil manche User eine sehr sehr alte bashrc haben und diese kein Update bekommt.
* have default-module for ParaView
* change Llview icon
* Terminal-Nachrichten an User anzeigen (write, wall)
* adjust icon positions on desktop
* application submenu for all infoterms