In the next step we prepare a function for plotting the gridded data to a world map. The flag *discrete* influences the creation of the color bar. The *plot_stations* flag allows including the station positions into the map.
In the next step we prepare a function for plotting the gridded data to a world map. The flag *discrete* influences the creation of the color bar. The *plot_stations* flag allows including the station positions into the map.
plt.title(f"global ozon at {data.time.values}{data.time.units}")
plt.title(f"global ozon at {data.time.values}{data.time.units}")
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Now we do the actual plotting. We select a single time from the dataset. To obtain two maps: 1) the mean ozone concentration per grid point and second the number of stations contributing to a grid point.
Now we do the actual plotting. We select a single time from the dataset. To obtain two maps: 1) the mean ozone concentration per grid point and second the number of stations contributing to a grid point.