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absolute paths have to be changed before use:
- etc/xdg/xdg_profiles/default/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml
- etc/xdg/xdg_profiles/default/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml
- etc/xdg/xdg_profiles/vis/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml
- etc/xdg/xdg_profiles/vis/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml

## X Desktop Group Configuration Files (XDG_CONFIG-*)

Each desktop profile is stored in an XDG_CONFIG-directory and can inherit
configurations from other desktop profiles (like the default desktop profile).
Hence, a complete desktop configuration is defined by multiple XDG_CONFIG-directories.

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The desktop profile is set by setting the XDG_CONFIG-directories with the following system variables and search order:
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  * This is the base directory relative to which configuration files are searched first.
  * default is ~/.config
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  * This is a set of preference ordered base directories relative to which configuration files are searched after $XDG_CONFIG_HOME.
  * default is /etc/xdg

and the XDG_DATA-directories with the following system variables and search order:
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  * default is not set
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  * default is /usr/local/share:/usr/share
## How XDG Desktop Profiles is set

XDG desktop profile is set in **usr/local/bin/**

The desktop profile is chosen by setting XDG_PROFILE before the vncserver is called. For example like this:
srun -n 1 --cpu_bind=none --gres=gpu:1 bash -c 'export XDG_PROFILE=vis; vncserver -fg -geometry 1920x1080'

This starts the vncserver, which executes *${HOME}/.vnc/xstartup*, which executes *usr/local/bin/*. Depending on XDG_PROFILE the script sets the XDG_CONFIG_* and XDG_DATA_* variables.
(in ${HOME}/.vnc/xstartup the variable XDG_BASE can be set to have global paths be located in ${HOME} for debugging)

The different profiles are located in *${XDG_BASE}/etc/xdg/xdg_profiles/*.

Check the XDG_CONFIG_* and XDG_DATA_* variables after login to see the difference:


## How the Info-Terminal is started

An info terminal can be part of a profile to present text information to the user.
It is located in */etc/xdg/xdg_profiles/<profile>/infoterm-<profile>*.
It is started via the desktop-file */etc/xdg/xdg_profiles/<profile>/autostart/infoterm-<profile>.desktop* on every start of XFCE4 with the desktop profile <profile>.
In all directories of XDG_CONFIG_DIRS the script infoterm-<profile>.sh is searched and (if found) executed:
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for p in ${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS}; do
  if [ -e ${p}/infoterm-<profile>/infoterm-<profile>.sh ]; then
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infoterm-<profile>.sh must be unique and only part of a single desktop profiles - do not use the same name in multiple desktop profiles.
The configuration of the info terminal is done partly in *infoterm-<profile>.sh* and partly by setting the application specific XDG_CONFIG_HOME to */etc/xdg/xdg_profiles/<profile>/infoterm-<profile>*. This is for settings, which cannot be done via command line parameters like transparency and are only stored in configuration files.
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## How the Background Image is set

The background image is set in *${XDF_CONFIG_*}/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml*.
The first XDF_CONFIG-directory, which includes this file sets the background image.
By default, this is in the first place the main desktop profile directory as it is the first in XDF_CONFIG_DIRS.
But system variables cannot be used in the xml-file.
Hence, only complete paths are allowed.
Background images of desktop profiles should be located in */usr/local/share/xfce4/backdrops/* to be found by XFCE4 on default.
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This is not the case for this repository, as it is for developers who may have no access to /.
You **MUST** change image_name in etc/xdg/xdg_profiles/vis/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml !!!

## How the Application Menu Icon is set

The application menu icon is set in *${XDF_CONFIG_*}/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml*.
By default it is set in the default profile in *etc/xdg/xdg_profiles/default/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml*
to the FZJ logo located in *usr/local/share/pixmaps/fzj-logo_64x64.png*.

## XFCE4 XDG configurations

Here ${XDF_CONFIG_*} denotes all XDF_CONFIG directories, which are XDF_CONFIG_HOME and XDF_CONFIG_DIRS in its correct search order.
Here ${XDF_DATA_*} denotes all XDF_DATA directories, which are XDF_DATA_HOME and XDF_DATA_DIRS in its correct search order.

- default location of all desktop backgrounds:
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  * ${XDF_DATA_*}/xfce4/backdrops/*

- desktop background:
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  * ${XDF_CONFIG_*}/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-desktop.xml

- panel description file:
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  * ${XDG_CONFIG_*}/xfce4/panel/

- default desktop/panel menu description file:
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  * ${XDG_CONFIG_*}/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml

- file manager settings:
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  * ${XDG_CONFIG_*}/xfce4/xffm/

- multi-channel-settings:
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  * ${XDG_CONFIG_*}/xfce4/mcs_settings/